Welcome.For anyone who still visits this site or knows about us will wonder
what the hell has happend to you lot? well quite a lot james had a major injury on his arm and doesnt really ride any more
plus he is at uni. karl moved to spain but is back in the country again now,but also doesnt really ride plus no one has seen
him for ages!!! Matt has just stoped riding but you will more than likly see him out and about than any of us. as for me i
dont have a bike plus got in loads of money problems but am looking to ride again but not like i used to but i will keep you
updated. cheers on behalf of the x-dream team. Dave
guys good news me and james have had a meeting (well night out drinking) and we have talked about getting the dust off the
bikes and starting again so i will keep you posted
What's New?
well i will be doing some more stuff in the way of bikes.anyone that know us will know that we dont just do trials
we ride bmx,xc,downhill,freeride etc.so i will be doing more stuff to the website
vote for us at biketrials.com we are xdream demo team